Tuesday, August 4, 2009

"Staying Alive" by David Barshinger, written about our father, John Degnan

LINK HERE to READ this AMAZING article: http://www.boundless.org/2005/articles/a0002088.cfm

UPDATE: Please be in continued prayer for my dad as he is currently waiting on the 1st MRI on Aug. 18th following his surgery. He is currently under nutritional methods of care; advice & acting on the wisdom in the healing & hopeful shrinkage of this brain tumor which is not surgically going to be removed. He continues to struggle with double vision & cannot get any relief for it, since his last appointment revealed there to be no movement passed mid point. He is walking on his own, Praise God for the physical therapy as he does not need to go anymore, but with very careful guidance, slowly but surely every day he is regaining this strength.

We are facing this together as a family & it's a rough road in understanding & putting our full faith, fears & understanding in why & how God uses this situation & pains we experience for his Glory. We all LOVE this man so much & we also know how much God Loves him & we have no other choice but to trust HIM.

Thought you would enjoy reading this article that my brother in law David Barshinger wrote for a Focus on the Family magazine written for boys, called Boundless. He is truly an amazing writer, also a student at Trinity University in Chicago. He and my sister, Allison have two young boys & are just a wonderful couple. I always enjoy reading Dave's articles that really capture the truth & reveal critical points that God teaches in His Word!

Thanks for your continued prayers for my dad!
Love, Bon & Family

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