Saturday, December 6, 2008

Happy Holidays! December 2008

I'm feeling so overwhelmed & Christmas is coming OH SO FAST! :) I wanted to take a moment to write here as I have found some time. Ross is doing his Reserve weekend duty this weekend & will be traveling all this coming week to close the hurricane hunters work station down on the Island St Croix where they have done a lot of their flying from all summer long. I'm sure it will be a fun week for him as he has a very dear friend (a former room mate) who lives & works there with his wife. They do like to catch up & go golfing and such.

I have been working very hard on getting my Christmas & Holiday orders out in time & have neglected to spend time on my website or here. I have recently updated my website with less confusing attributes & hopefully better understanding for most customers. Please let me know if you have any ideas as I am far from this process being completed.

I will post a few photos here for now in hopes that I will have more time to update this coming week. I still have groceries in my car to unload from yesterday as we had the Air Force Christmas party last night & I did bring in all of the stuff that needed refrigerated. :) This was on my list of TO DO's & I feel like those of you who check in regularly will hopefully understand & probably can have some of the same busy stories in your own lives.

Hope you had a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving! I started Nanny*ing p/t for a lovely family here & it's approx. 1-3 days a week, which is sich a blessing and outlet doing just what I LOVE!!!

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